Starter quiz

  • In 'Small Island' which character is shot at the end of Act 1 Scene 3?
    • Arthur  ✓
    • Michael
    • Gilbert
    • Bernard
    • Queenie
  • Which word is used to describe Edmundson's use of Pathe style images at the start of Act 1 scenes 1-6 in 'Small Island'?
    • Pathetic fallacy
    • Allusion
    • Motif  ✓
    • Metaphor
  • Which word beginning with P describes a literary device that evokes feelings of pity or sorrow.
    • 'pathos' ✓
  • Match the scene to the correct descriptions of setting from 'Small Island'.
    • Act 1 Scene 1
      Jamaica bracing itself for a hurricane. ✓
    • Act 1 Scene 2
      Pathe style news footage of 'The Blitz Spirit'. ✓
    • Act 1 Scene 3
      On the stage, the auditorium of a cinema in a town in Lincolnshire. ✓
  • Match the characters from 'Small Island' to the quotes.
    • Gilbert
      "And I will go to an English university". ✓
    • Elwood
      "Why you wanna go licky-licky to the British?" ✓
    • Michael
      "there is a whole world out there where real things are happening." ✓
    • Queenie
      "In the end it was a tragedy that brought things to a head." ✓
    • Hortense
      "I would prefer to stay at home." ✓
  • In 'Small Island', Gilbert, Hortense and Queenie all break the fourth wall to the tell the audience their stories. This is an example of what dramatic technique?
    • Emotive language
    • Pathos
    • Direct address  ✓
    • Exaggeration
    • Narration