Starter quiz

  • In 'Small Island', what items does Celia say she will have in her home in England?
    • A wardrobe full of clothes
    • A lace tablecloth  ✓
    • Lots of money
    • Fine bone-china teacups  ✓
    • A giant front door
  • In Act 1 Scene 5 of 'Small Island' who does Hortense mistake Gilbert for?
    • 'Michael' ✓
  • In 'Small Island', Gilbert gives Hortense a nickname. What is it?
    • 'Spitfire' ✓
  • In 'Small Island', what does Queenie learn about Bernard in Act 1 Scene 5?
    • He was shot and died on the battle field.
    • He is secretly living in London after being de-mobbed.
    • He served a short spell in military prison, before deciding to stay away.  ✓
    • He has gone missing and no one knows where he is.
  • At the end of Act 1 Scene 6 in 'Small Island', why does Celia hit Hortense in the mouth?
    • Hortense reveals she is in love with Gilbert.
    • Hortense calls her a "big, clumsy oaf!"
    • Hortense ruins her chances of going to England.  ✓
    • Hortense ruins her clothes by accidentally knocking her over.
    • Gilbert admits he is in love with Hortense.
  • Which one of these sentences does not use a fronted adverbial?
    • Hortense believes that Gilbert is Michael.  ✓
    • Additionally, Hortense's ominous look reveals her intentions.
    • Historically, the promises of the 'mother country' were not a reality.
    • Specifically, Celia's dream of a big house reveals her hopes and dreams.
    • For example, Elwood repeats the phrase "licky-licky".