Starter quiz

  • In the opening stage directions of 'Small Island,' what year is mentioned, and what event is highlighted?
    • 1918; The start of World War I
    • 1939; Pathé-style news footage of Jamaica preparing for a hurricane  ✓
    • 1945; The end of World War II
    • 1945; The bombing of Pearl Harbor
  • In 'Small Island', what is Hortense's role in the schoolhouse?
    • headteacher
    • teacher
    • assistant  ✓
    • janitor
    • student
  • In 'Small Island', what significant term does Hortense use to describe Mrs Ryder?
    • heroine
    • antagonist
    • dominant
    • evangelist  ✓
  • What does the word "ostracised" mean?
    • to be included in a group or society
    • to be excluded from a group or society  ✓
    • to conform to expectations and standards
    • to have power and authority
  • What are stage directions?
    • dialogue between characters
    • a summary of the main events in the play
    • the themes that are explored in the text
    • instructions that direct how the play should be performed and presented  ✓
  • In 'Small Island', which character says "You a lucky, lucky chile. This skin is a golden life."
    • Hortense
    • Miss Jewel  ✓
    • Mrs Ryder
    • Mr Philip
    • Michael