Starter quiz

  • In 'Small Island', who does Hortense marry at the end of Act 1?
    • Michael
    • Elwood
    • Gilbert  ✓
    • Bernard
  • In 'Small Island', which of these characters enlist for the RAF in WWII?
    • Bernard  ✓
    • Michael  ✓
    • Elwood
    • Gilbert  ✓
    • Arthur
  • In Act 1 Scene 7 of 'Small Island', who is Queenie reunited with in the house in Earl's court?
    • Bernard
    • Arthur
    • Michael  ✓
    • Kip
  • In 'Small Island', Hortense and Gilbert's decision to marry could be described as pragmatic. What does this word mean?
    • Dealing with things in a systematic and realistic way.  ✓
    • Being spontaneous and rash.
    • Viewing something as perfect even if the reality suggests something different.
    • Going into something blindly and without consideration.
  • Which of these sentences uses a comparative conjunction?
    • Gilbert is optimistic whereas Elwood is presented as cycnical.  ✓
    • Hortense and Celia both want to go to England.
    • The relationships presented in Act 1 have different motivations.
    • Queenie and Hortense do not marry for love.
  • Match the character from 'Small Island' to the correct line they say in the play.
    • Hortense
      "England is my golden life". ✓
    • Celia
      "I will have big house with a bell on the front door." ✓
    • Gilbert
      "England is the future". ✓
    • Elwood
      "He prefer to go licky-licky to the British". ✓