Starter quiz

  • What is 'the everyday'?
    • something unknown and unfamiliar
    • something familiar and known  ✓
    • something new and exciting
  • What is 'the unknown'?
    • somewhere familiar
    • somewhere not understood  ✓
    • somewhere safe
    • somewhere not safe
  • Which of the following might we use to describe 'the everyday'?
    • predictable  ✓
    • chaotic
    • familiar  ✓
    • not safe
  • Which of the following do we typically associate with the colour grey?
    • vitality
    • dull  ✓
    • lifeless  ✓
    • vibrancy
  • A simile is...
    • a comparison where something is something else
    • a comparison where something is like something else  ✓
    • where non-human things are given human emotions
  • A contrast is...
    • similarities between two or more things
    • differences between two or more things  ✓
    • the repetition of two or more things