Starter quiz

  • What is a character?
    • a real person
    • a person in a novel  ✓
    • a friend
  • Someone unknown is ______.
    • someone you're friendly with
    • someone you are unfamiliar with  ✓
    • someone you dislike and don't want to be around
  • The organ associated with love is ______.
    • the brain
    • the heart  ✓
    • the lungs
    • the eyes
  • To make something new or imaginative is to ______.
    • copy
    • create  ✓
    • dismantle
    • imitate
  • Onomatopoeia is ______.
    • giving human emotions to non-human things or objects
    • a word that resembles the sound it describes  ✓
    • a comparison using like or as
    • a word that has the same spelling but a different meaning
  • We generally associate light and light imagery with ______.
    • positivity  ✓
    • negativity
    • neutrality