Starter quiz

  • The emotional response that a writer wants to give the reader is known as the ______.
    • mood  ✓
    • purpose
    • atmosphere
  • Descriptive writing is designed to ______.
    • help the reader visualise the scene  ✓
    • help the reader draw the scene
    • help the reader write about the scene themselves
  • Which word best suits the general mood of wonder?
    • haze
    • mystery
    • astonish  ✓
  • A metaphor is ______.
    • a comparison using 'like' or 'as'
    • a comparison where something is something else  ✓
    • where non-human things or objects are given human characteristics
  • Which of the following is a metaphor?
    • 'Her eyes were stars in the dimming gloom.'  ✓
    • 'Her eyes were like stars in the dimming gloom.'
    • 'The stars twinkled in the dimming gloom.'
  • A complex sentence is ______.
    • two main clauses joined together with a semicolon
    • a main clause and at least one subordinate clause  ✓
    • a sentence with a subject, verb and complete thought