Starter quiz

  • What do you need at the start of every sentence?
    • a full-stop
    • a capital letter  ✓
    • a lower-case letter
  • Which piece of punctuation belongs at the end of a sentence?
    • a full-stop  ✓
    • a comma
    • a semicolon
  • Where does the apostrophe need to go in this sentence: 'Marys fingers stretched towards the branches.'
    • after the 's' in 'Marys'
    • before the 's' in 'Marys'  ✓
    • you don't need an apostrophe
  • Which of the following words is a synonym for 'bad'?
    • captivating
    • dreadful  ✓
    • cascading
    • delightful
  • If something is ambitious then it is ______.
    • hard to achieve  ✓
    • easily achieved
    • not wanted by anyone
  • Where does the semicolon need to go in this sentence: 'The bees hummed and buzzed the birds swooped and twittered.'
    • after 'hummed'
    • after 'buzzed'  ✓
    • after 'swooped'