Starter quiz

  • The person, place or thing performing the action of a sentence is ______.
    • the complete thought
    • the subject  ✓
    • the verb
  • A sentence should begin with a ______.
    • subject
    • lower-case letter
    • capital letter  ✓
  • At the end of a sentence you should have ______.
    • a capital letter
    • a comma
    • a full-stop  ✓
  • The main clause in a sentence expresses ______.
    • an incomplete thought
    • a complete thought  ✓
    • a question
  • A verb is a ______.
    • describing word
    • being, doing, or having word  ✓
    • person, place or thing that performs the action
  • Which of the following is the correct use of an apostrophe for possession?
    • It was Harrys' cat.
    • It was Harry's cat.  ✓
    • It was Har'rys cat.