Starter quiz

  • If someone is described as an 'outsider' then it implies that they ______.
    • get along with everyone
    • are well liked
    • are an angry person
    • don't belong in a particular group  ✓
  • If a group of people describe an individual using negative language then that implies the individual ______.
    • is well liked
    • belongs in the group
    • is an outsider  ✓
    • is an aggressive person
  • In Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', Caliban is considered an outsider. This implies the other characters use ______ language to describe him.
    • negative  ✓
    • positive
    • neutral
    • complimentary
  • In Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', Caliban offers to serve Stephano when he first meets him. This implies that Caliban ______.
    • thinks highly of himself
    • doesn't have a high self-worth  ✓
    • knows Stephano is a kind person
  • If you create an argument in response to a question then you ______.
    • plan out your answer
    • offer a set of reasons to prove your ideas  ✓
    • offer a balanced set of for and against reasons
  • If you say someone is 'animalistic' then it suggests ______.
    • they are physically strong
    • they have animal characteristics  ✓
    • they think of themselves as an animal