Starter quiz

  • A resolution is the...
    • creation of a problem.
    • answer to a problem.  ✓
    • statement of a problem.
  • In Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', Ariel creates a storm. What does this tell us about Ariel?
    • Ariel has magical powers.  ✓
    • Ariel has super speed.
    • Ariel is a powerful being.  ✓
    • Ariel is a powerless being.
  • In Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', Ariel greets Prospero enthusiastically but Prospero doesn't return the greeting - what does this suggest about their relationship?
    • They are friends.
    • They are enemies.
    • Their relationship is unequal.  ✓
  • Is this sentence grammatically correct? "Ariel; a magical being, carries out tasks for Prospero."
    • 'no' ✓
  • In Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', Ariel asks Prospero if he loves them - what does this suggest?
    • Ariel is indifferent to Prospero.
    • Ariel wants Prospero's approval.  ✓
    • Ariel dislikes Prospero.
    • Ariel is jealous of Prospero.
  • In Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', Prospero calls Ariel a "chick" - what are the connotations of that?
    • Prospero feels Ariel is young and innocent.  ✓
    • Prospeor dislikes Ariel.
    • Prospero feels Ariel is angry and jealous.