Starter quiz

  • A patriarchal society is where men...
    • hold positions of authority  ✓
    • are powerless
    • are on equal footing with women
  • In a patriarchal society, how do you think daughters are supposed to behave towards their fathers?
    • defiantly
    • obediently  ✓
    • subversively
  • Being obedient means to...
    • tell people what to do
    • do or be willing to do what others tell you to  ✓
    • not do what other people tell you to
  • In Shakespeare's time, which of the following traits were women expected to have?
    • beauty  ✓
    • defiance
    • power
    • meekness  ✓
  • In Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', when Prospero is explaining their backstory to Miranda he continually asks her if she's paying attention. Which of the following does this suggest?
    • he's worried that he's not telling the story properly
    • he wants to make sure she's focused  ✓
    • he doesn't trust her to pay attention  ✓
    • he doesn't trust himself to stay focused
  • In a patriarchal society, who do you think would stereotypically choose a daughter's husband?
    • 'the father' ✓