Starter quiz

  • Match these words with their meaning.
    • superior
      better than ✓
    • inferior
      lesser than ✓
    • equal
      the same ✓
  • When you use an image or idea more than once it's known as ______.
    • personification
    • pathetic fallacy
    • repetition  ✓
    • recall
  • The general mood of a text is known as the ______.
    • title
    • tone  ✓
    • semantic field
  • In Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', Caliban is enslaved by Prospero. Which emotions might he feel?
    • anger  ✓
    • pity
    • relief
    • frustration  ✓
  • The purpose of a monologue is ...
    • to allow the audience to hear a character's thoughts and emotions  ✓
    • to allow the characters to hear the audience's thoughts and emotions
    • to see how two characters interact
  • 'logue' means ______.
    • to talk  ✓
    • to write
    • to act