Starter quiz

  • Why could so few Victorian children go to school?
    • They did not have to so they chose not to go.
    • They did not have to.
    • It cost money which some families could not afford.  ✓
  • The children of which social class were most likely to be hungry?
    • 'working class' ✓
  • Which of the following is not a rhetorical device?
    • Rhetorical question
    • Direct address
    • Anaphora
    • Simile  ✓
    • Emotive language
  • What does the word vary mean?
    • Vary means to be exactly the same as something else.
    • Vary means there is a lot of something.
    • Vary means to differ from something else.  ✓
  • Why did a lack of education so frequently lead to poverty in Victorian Britain? Select the best answer.
    • Lack of education leads to crime.
    • Lack of education leads to a lack of opportunity for well paid work.  ✓
    • Lack of education left people unable to work.
  • Which of the following was not a social value in Victorian Britain?
    • Freedom of expression  ✓
    • Discipline
    • Responsibility