Starter quiz

  • Select two words below that you most associate with the Victorian working class.
    • Poverty  ✓
    • Opportunity
    • Freedom
    • Mistreated  ✓
  • A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun. Which word in this sentence is a pronoun? 'The boy ate some dinner. He only had a small plate of food.'
    • 'He' ✓
  • Which of the following is a metaphor?
    • Their relationship was like the wreckage of a sunken ship.
    • Their relationship had become as damaged as a shipwreck.
    • Their relationship had become a shipwreck - damaged beyond repair.  ✓
  • Which of the the following is the correct use of the word plea?
    • She made a plea for someone to help her find her dog.  ✓
    • She plea for help for someone to help her find her dog
    • She was pleaing for someone to help her find her dog.
  • There are three determiners in the following sentence. Can you name one? 'The boy ate some dinner. He only had a small plate of food.'
    • 'The' ✓
  • At the start of Queen Victoria's reign, who had access to education?
    • Everyone - education was free for all.
    • Only people who could afford to pay for education.  ✓
    • Education was a privilege reserved for royalty and the ruling classes.