Starter quiz

  • Which of the following could not be used as a rhetorical question?
    • Should children really live like this?
    • How many children in London live like this?
    • What is the capital city of England?  ✓
  • Which of the following is not direct address?
    • The great people in this room today should feel ashamed.
    • I feel ashamed that I have not done more.  ✓
    • You should feel ashamed that you have not done more.
  • Which of the following does not use the word 'desperate' correctly?
    • The child was desperate with hunger.
    • The child was desperate for food.
    • The desperate child needed food.
    • The child needed food desperate.  ✓
  • What is a topic sentence?
    • A sentence which explains the upcoming focus of a paragraph.  ✓
    • A sentence that signposts what comes next.
    • A heading for a piece of writing about a specific topic.
  • When you urge the listener to take action during your speech, you are using a call to ______.
    • 'action' ✓
  • If you describe a society as civilised, which two sentences below would make sense?
    • The society is one that is kind and respectful of others.  ✓
    • The society is more socially and culturally advanced.  ✓
    • The society is cruel and disrespectful of others.
    • The society is developing to become more socially and culturally advanced.