Starter quiz

  • What is the witches' prophecy for Banquo?
    • Banquo will become Thane of Fife.
    • Banquo will become Thane of Cawdor.
    • Banquo will become king.
    • Banquo's son will become Thane of Cawdor.
    • Banquo's son will become king.  ✓
  • Which of the statements below best describes Macbeth's initial reaction to the witches' prophecies?
    • Macbeth is disgusted by their prophecies.
    • Macbeth is intrigued by their prophecies.  ✓
    • Macbeth is afraid of their prophecies.
    • Macbeth is extremely excited by their prophecies.
  • When Banquo says the witches are 'instruments of darkness', what language device is Shakespeare using?
    • 'Metaphor' ✓
  • An aside is a stage direction, but what does it mean?
    • It tells the actor which side of the stage to stand on.
    • It is intentional and deliberate speech for the audiences' ears only.  ✓
    • The actor should be off-stage, only their voice should be heard.
    • A monologue where a character explains their internal thoughts and feelings.
  • Match the character to the fate they suffer.
    • King Duncan
      is killed in his sleep by Macbeth. ✓
    • Banquo
      is murdered by assassins, on the instruction of Macbeth. ✓
    • Fleance, Banquo's son,
      escapes from the murderers. ✓
    • Macbeth
      is murdered in a violent battle by Macduff. ✓
  • Select the two best inferences about the significance of Banquo's ghost
    • Banquo's ghost represents Macbeth's guilt.  ✓
    • Banquo's ghost shows Banquo will never forgive Macbeth.
    • Banquo's ghost further isolates Macbeth from his wife.  ✓
    • Banquo's ghost is a reminder that the supernatural is real.