Starter quiz

  • In Act 1, Scene 5 of 'Macbeth', when Lady Macbeth first hears of the witches' prophecies, how does she respond?
    • She is excited.  ✓
    • She is wary of trusting the supernatural.
    • She starts thinking about how to commit the regicide.  ✓
    • She summons evil spirits to help her commit the regicide.  ✓
    • She waits for Macbeth to tell her what he thinks about the regicide
  • In Act 1 of 'Macbeth', who can Macbeth rely on for support, friendship and love?
    • King Duncan, who honours him.  ✓
    • His wife, Lady Macbeth.  ✓
    • The witches.
    • the Thane of Cawdor.
    • Banquo and other noble Thanes.  ✓
  • In Act 4, Scene 1 of 'Macbeth', what do the witches prophesy?
    • That Macbeth will be King.
    • That Macbeth is invincible until Birnam wood comes to his castle.  ✓
    • That Lady Macbeth will be consumed by guilt.
    • That Macbeth should beware of Banquo.
    • That no man can kill him, but a woman could.
  • After the regicide in Act 2 of 'Macbeth', Malcolm flees Scotland for England. Macduff soon joins him. What do they do there?
    • Overthrow the English King.
    • Try and become English citizens.
    • Bring their families to England for safety.
    • Start to prepare an army to defeat Macbeth.  ✓
    • Try and lure Macbeth to England with promises of promotion.
  • In Act 2 of 'Macbeth', after the regicide, Macbeth worries about the blood on his hands. Lady Macbeth is unworried. She says, "A little water ______ us of this deed.'"
    • 'clears' ✓
  • In Act 2 of 'Macbeth', Macbeth worries about the blood on his hands. There is blood, and he needs to remove it, but this blood is also meant to symbolise which over-whelming emotion?
    • regicide
    • desperation
    • guilt  ✓
    • surprise
    • anger