Starter quiz

  • What structure does Orwell use in 'Animal Farm'?
    • 'Cyclical' ✓
  • What word beginning with 'F' means that something feels useless or pointless?
    • 'Futile' ✓
  • By the end of the novella, the pigs have changed all of the original commandments. How do they alter the last commandment? "all animals are equal but some animals are..."
    • 'more equal than others' ✓
  • How does George Orwell's use of a cyclical structure in ‘Animal Farm’ contribute to the novella’s impact?
    • It presents a continuous timeline, emphasising the characters' commitment.
    • It allows for a linear and predictable storytelling style.
    • It draws parallels between the initial ideals and the pigs' corruption.  ✓
  • At the end of 'Animal farm', what is the name of the farm?
    • Manor farm  ✓
    • Windmill Farm
    • Animal Farm
    • Cowshed Farm
  • In 'Animal Farm', how does the quote "Four legs good, two legs better!" symbolise a subversion of Animalism's principles?
    • It reinforces the equality of all animals.
    • It promotes the idea of humans being friends, not enemies.
    • It demonstrates the pigs' increasing resemblance to humans.  ✓
    • It reflects the animals' growing intelligence.