Starter quiz

  • In 'Animal Farm' which pig says, "Surely, comrades, you do not want Jones back?"
    • Squealer  ✓
    • Napoleon
    • Snowball
    • Old Major
    • Minimus
  • In 'Animal Farm' which pig is described as having "a reputation for getting his own way"?
    • 'Napoleon' ✓
  • In 'Animal Farm' which pig teaches the animals to bleat: "four legs good, two legs better"?
    • 'Squealer' ✓
  • Which sentence best describes Snowball from 'Animal Farm'?
    • Treacherous, violent and destructive
    • Manipulative, charismatic and good at lying
    • Pompous, fierce and hypocritical
    • Idealistic, impassioned, intelligent and a gifted speech giver  ✓
  • What reason does Squealer give for the pigs taking all the apples and milk in 'Animal Farm'?
    • They will die without it.
    • They need it for their brain work.  ✓
    • It will make the other animals sick.
    • To teach the animals about sacrifice.
  • In 'Animal Farm'. how does Napoleon get the hens to lay eggs for him to sell?
    • He gives them no food until nine die and the others agree.  ✓
    • He uses violence and sets the dogs on them.
    • He offers them whisky and sugar.
    • He gets Squealer to convince them.