Starter quiz

  • Match the resolution for each character of 'Leave Taking' to their name.
    • Enid
      resolves her conflict with Del; expresses her vulnerability ✓
    • Del
      becomes an obeah woman; prepares for the birth of her child ✓
    • Viv
      is going to pursue Black Studies at university ✓
    • Mai
      finds out she has a terminal illness ✓
  • In her introduction to 'Leave Taking', Pinnock discusses the heroine of the play. Who does Pinnock name as the heroine?
    • Mai
    • Del
    • Viv
    • Enid  ✓
  • In Scene Four of 'Leave Taking', Enid recalls when she and her future husband were in Jamaica, preparing to migrate to England. How did they feel before migrating?
    • proud  ✓
    • despairing
    • hopeless
    • excited  ✓
    • optimistic  ✓
  • In her introduction to 'Leave Taking', what words does Pinnock use to describe the feelings many migrants felt when they relocated to Britain post World War Two?
    • awe
    • security
    • shock  ✓
    • disappointment  ✓
    • patriotism
  • In Scene Eight of 'Leave Taking', Enid turns to Del for support. She is overwhelmed by feelings of grief for her mother, and despair at Britain's hostility. She says, "I been ______ too long, Del."
    • 'fighting' ✓
  • In Scene Eight of 'Leave Taking', Enid tells Del how she feels when she sees her daughters face racial discrimination: "it make me want to __________ the place down."
    • 'tear' ✓