Starter quiz

  • A matriarch is a woman who rules, leads or controls a family. Which of the characters in 'Leave Taking' are presented as matriarchs?
    • Enid  ✓
    • Viv
    • Mooma  ✓
    • Mai  ✓
  • In 'Leave Taking', why is the character of Mai important to the Caribbean community in North London?
    • for her knowledge of the naturalisation process
    • she is someone people turn to in times of crisis  ✓
    • for her support of Brod, and others like him
    • for her willingness to take in other people's children
    • for her skills as an obeah woman  ✓
  • In Scene Four of 'Leave Taking', Enid tells Viv things about her mother. What do we find out?
    • She stole some stockings from her uncle's wife
    • She would sometimes disappear to spend time in secret places alone  ✓
    • She brought up her children in rural poverty  ✓
    • Enid used to call her "Miss Bible Drawers"
    • She completed hard manual labour every day of her life  ✓
  • In Scene Five of 'Leave Taking', Viv offers to help Del with the her baby when it is born. How does Del respond?
    • She accepts both the help and the money
    • She accepts the help, on the condition that Viv moves in with her and Mai
    • She says she doesn't need help because she is getting back together with Roy
    • She rejects it saying she needs to get on with her own life without Viv's help  ✓
    • She gets down on her knees and thanks her
  • In 'Leave Taking', the characters of Del and Enid are often present in conflict. How does Pinnock draw attention to their similarities?
    • Their position as obeah women
    • Their determination to bring up their children by themselves  ✓
    • Their rejection of their cultural roots
    • Their strength and independence  ✓
    • Their protectiveness over Brod
  • In Scene Six of 'Leave Taking', Mai says of her clients, "expect me to reach into their souls and stick the broken pieces back together. They have sucked me dry. [...] My ______ dead."
    • 'battery' ✓