Starter quiz

  • A ______ generation migrant is a person who was born in one country, but moves to live and establish their life in another country.
    • 'first' ✓
  • A ______ generation migrant is a person who has grown up in a country that at least one of their parents was not born in.
    • 'second' ✓
  • When writing an essay on 'Leave Taking', you should include context. We can think of context in four different ways. Match the type of context to its meaning.
    • literary
      the text's genre, style and publication history ✓
    • social
      the dominant attitudes and values when the text was written ✓
    • historical
      what was happening when the text was written ✓
    • biographical
      information about the writer ✓
  • In 'Leave Taking', Pinnock presents a number of different conflicts between characters. Match the conflict to the set of characters,.
    • Enid and Del
      argue about what life is like in Britain ✓
    • Enid and Viv
      argue about the importance of a gap year ✓
    • Enid and Mooma
      a silent conflict about the choice to migrate ✓
    • Mai and her son
      argue about what it means to feel at home ✓
  • Starting with the first, order the conflicts Pinnock presents in 'Leave Taking' into chronological order.
    • 1
      Enid and Del have conflict about the value of obeah.
    • 2
      Enid and Brod have conflict about their treatment by the British government.
    • 3
      Enid and Viv have conflict over the idea of taking a gap year.
    • 4
      Del and Viv have conflict after Viv skips an A Level exam.
    • 5
      Mai and Del have conflict about how Del treats Enid.
    • 6
      Del and Brod have conflict when he tells her that her father abused her mother.
  • In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', Enid and Del have their most intense conflict. Del is angry at her mother's attitude towards Britain, accusing her of "bowing and scraping to your ______ England."
    • 'beloved' ✓