Starter quiz

  • Which of the following might be considered an act of charity?
    • throwing our clothes out
    • letting your friend copy your homework
    • volunteering at a local food bank  ✓
    • donating money to a natural disaster relief fund  ✓
    • going to the cinema with your sibling
  • Who comes and asks Scrooge for a charitable donation in Stave 1 of 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • Marley's Ghost
    • The Ghost of Christmas Present
    • Fred
    • the caroller boy
    • the two portly gentlemen  ✓
  • How does Scrooge respond to the portly gentlemen in Stave 1 of 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • He shuns them and accuses them of being wicked and immoral people.
    • He resents them for wasting his time and tries to get rid of them quickly.  ✓
    • He is rude to them and dismisses the good work that they do.  ✓
    • He is upset with them for not asking him for a donation sooner.
    • He is indifferent to them and ignores them.
  • Complete the quotation from 'A Christmas Carol': "If they would rather die...they had better do it, and decrease the ______ population."
    • 'surplus' ✓
  • What does Scrooge learn from watching Fezziwig's Christmas party in Stave 2 of 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • He learns how to throw a successful party that everyone enjoys.
    • He learns the importance of family and communication.
    • He learns that a little bit of philanthropy can make a lot of people happy,  ✓
    • He understands the price of happiness - money does buy happiness.
    • He learns that throwing parties and welcoming everybody makes you moral.
  • In Stave 5 of 'A Christmas Carol', when Scrooge donates an undisclosed amount of money to the poor, why doesn't Dickens tell us how much he donates?
    • because the amount was not very much and Scrooge was embarrassed
    • so that people who have less money are not put off by the vast sum  ✓
    • because it doesn't matter how much he donated - it was about the act of donating  ✓
    • because Dickens did not want to promote excessive charity