Starter quiz

  • Charles Dickens wrote his account of Greenwich Fair in 1839, as such it is an example of...
    • Victorian literature  ✓
    • Elizabethan literature
    • Jacobean literature
    • Shakespearean literature
  • What does it mean to get the 'gist' of a piece of writing?
    • To understand the main essence or point of a piece of writing.  ✓
    • To be able to predict what happens in a piece of writing.
    • To be able to analyse a piece of writing confidently.
    • To link different different quotes from a piece of writing together.
  • What methods are being used here: "...add to this the screams of women, the shouts of boys, the clanging of gongs, the firing of pistols, the ringing of bells, the bellowings of speaking-trumpets"
    • listing  ✓
    • onomatopoeia  ✓
    • simile
    • alliteration
    • direct address
  • What is being described here: 'the words, ideas, feelings or concepts we associate with a word or symbol.'?
    • 'connotations' ✓
  • What is being described here: 'a conclusion you reach by applying logic to the evidence you are given.'?
    • inference  ✓
    • reference
    • occurence
    • consequence
  • When writing inferences, which of the options below could be useful synonyms for ‘this suggests’?
    • this implies  ✓
    • this illustrates  ✓
    • this confirms
    • this concludes
    • this hints at  ✓