Starter quiz

  • Which word is repeated in 'London' that means owned and controlled?
    • manacles
    • ban
    • charter'd  ✓
    • forg'd
    • ''blights''
  • What does the word ''marks'' suggest in the first stanza of 'London'?
    • the permanence of the people's suffering  ✓
    • the soot etched into the people's faces from sweeping chimneys
    • the imprint in history that the people want to make by having a revolution
  • Why is the context of the Industrial Revolution important to the poem 'London'?
    • The Industrial Revolution widened inequality in society which Blake criticises  ✓
    • The Industrial Revolution slowly began to improve London which Blake admires
    • Blake suggests the pollution from the Industrial Revolution is the worst ill
  • Why is the context of the French Revolution important in the poem 'London'?
    • Blake disapproved of the violent ways in which monarchs were killed
    • Blake believed people should have more power than establishments
    • Blake advocates the idea that oppressed could reclaim power from the privileged  ✓
  • How does Blake suggest that marriage is futile in 'London'?
    • Many men sought prostitutes showing that human desire prevails over conventions  ✓
    • The ''new-born Infant's tear'' causes stress in marriages
    • Seeking prostitutes meant that infidelity and diseases often ruined marriages  ✓
  • How does Blake suggest the corruption of religious establishments through his poem 'London'?
    • He suggests they are complicit in child labour  ✓
    • He suggests they are to blame for the deaths of soldiers
    • He suggests they control the river Thames