Starter quiz

  • Match the type of pronoun to the correct example.
    • first person
      I, me, my ✓
    • second person
      you, your ✓
    • third person
      he, she, they ✓
  • 'Us' is an example of a collective pronoun. What impact could the pronoun 'us' have when used in a text?
    • Puts the focus on a single person
    • Puts the focus on multiple people  ✓
    • Gives a sense of a shared experience  ✓
  • Starting with the first, order the key points of 'Remains' in chronological order.
    • 1
      a looter stealing from a bank runs away from the speaker
    • 2
      the speaker and his fellow soldiers shoot at the looter
    • 3
      the speaker describes the impact of the bullets and the looter dying
    • 4
      the soldier returns home but cannot forget the memory of the shooting
    • 5
      the speaker sees the death of the looter in his dreams
  • The way a poem is organised is also known as the ...
    • 'structure' ✓
  • The use of punctuation to pause in the middle of a line of poetry is called...
    • enjambement
    • caesura  ✓
    • volta
  • The method where by one line of poetry continues on to the next is known as...
    • enjambement  ✓
    • blank verse
    • free verse
    • in media res