Starter quiz

  • Match the quote to the correct poem.
    • 'Ozymandias'
      ''Look on my works, ye Mighty and Despair'' ✓
    • 'London'
      ''Chartered street...chartered Thames'' ✓
    • 'Extract from The Prelude'
      ''Mighty forms that do not live like living men'' ✓
  • Which movement do Shelley, Blake and Wordsworth belong to?
    • Romantic  ✓
    • Post-modern
    • Renaissance
  • Match the poem to the correct form.
    • 'Ozymandias'
      Sonnet ✓
    • 'London'
      Dramatic monologue ✓
    • 'Extract from the Prelude'
      Epic poem ✓
  • How does each Romantic poem depict human power?
    • 'Ozymandias'
      tyrannical leader ✓
    • 'London'
      oppressive institutions ✓
    • 'Extract from the Prelude'
      childish arrogance ✓
  • What do 'Ozymandias', 'London' and 'Extract from the Prelude' have in common?
    • They all seem to worship nature
    • They all seem to criticise or mock human power or control  ✓
    • They all seem to celebrate the individual
  • Match the beginning of each sentence to the appropriate end to create comparative statements.
    • Both 'Ozymandias'
      and 'London' explore oppressive institutional power. ✓
    • Both 'Extract from the Prelude'
      and 'Ozymandias' explore the dominance of nature over mankind. ✓
    • Both 'Extract from the Prelude'
      and 'Ozymandias' explore human pride. ✓