Starter quiz

  • If something 'remains' with you what might that mean?
    • it stays with you  ✓
    • it leaves you
    • you own it
  • If war imagery is described as 'graphic' that means...
    • it's described in a vague manner
    • it's described in a detailed manner
    • it's described in a violent manner  ✓
  • What does the word 'atrocity' mean?
    • an extremely violent act  ✓
    • a justified act of violence
    • an extremely moral act
  • What is a looter?
    • a civilian caught up in army crossfire
    • a special officer in the army
    • a person who thieves goods, typically during a war or riot  ✓
  • The word 'ambiguous' means..
    • unclear or vague  ✓
    • detailed or specific
    • thoughtful or kind
  • Internal conflict is...
    • Conflict a person has within themselves  ✓
    • Conflict a person has within their family unit
    • Conflict only a soldier in a war would understand