Starter quiz

  • Which of the following poems is about an illicit extramarital affair?
    • 'Winter Swans'
    • 'When We Two Parted'  ✓
    • 'Neutral Tones'
  • Which of these poems are set in a natural landscape?
    • 'Winter Swans'  ✓
    • 'When We Two Parted'
    • 'Neutral Tones'  ✓
  • Which of these are examples of comparative language?
    • whereas  ✓
    • likely
    • both  ✓
    • therefore
    • similarly  ✓
  • We would use the word 'however' to show the __________ between two things.
    • similarities
    • differences  ✓
    • similarities and differences
  • Match up each of these key quotations to the correct poem.
    • 'Winter Swans'
      "our hands, that had, somehow / swum the distance between us" ✓
    • 'Neutral Tones'
      "The smile on your face was the deadest thing" ✓
    • 'When We Two Parted'
      "I hear thy name spoken and share in its shame" ✓
  • Match each poem to the correct piece of contextual information.
    • 'Winter Swans'
      It is part of a collection that deals with fragmented relationships ✓
    • 'Neutral Tones'
      The poem's pessimistic tone is characteristic of the this poet's work ✓
    • 'When We Two Parted'
      The poet was known for having many illicit extramarital affairs ✓