Starter quiz

  • What do we mean by the term annotation?
    • writing down key quotes
    • a note with a brief explanation  ✓
    • highlighting key words
  • What method used by writers is being described here: the recurrence of a word or phrase.
    • 'repetition' ✓
  • Which example below is the first person pronoun?
    • I/my  ✓
    • you/your
    • he/she/they
  • What method is being used here: "When I was growing up, I had a dream. I’m sure you did, too."?
    • fact
    • hyperbole
    • direct address  ✓
  • "Do they say LeBron is one of the world’s best male athletes?" This is an example of a...
    • 'rhetorical question' ✓
  • Which pronoun is used in this sentence: "We must continue to dream big, and in doing so, we empower the next generation of women to be just as bold in their pursuits."
    • first person plural  ✓
    • third person
    • collective third person
    • first person