Starter quiz

  • In Act 5 of 'Macbeth', why does Macbeth feel invincible?
    • Malcolm's army has fewer troops than he does.
    • The witches say they will support him in the battle.
    • The witches say he can't be killed until Birnam wood comes to Dunsinane.  ✓
    • The witches say "Beware Malcolm" and he has had Malcolm killed.
    • The witches say he can't be killed by one of "woman" born.  ✓
  • In 'Macbeth', why does Macduff want to kill Macbeth?
    • Macbeth exiled him to England.
    • Macbeth killed his wife and children.  ✓
    • Macbeth killed his son, Fleance.
    • He is a tyrant who is an unnatural King of Scotland.  ✓
    • Macbeth stole the title of the Thane of Cawdor from him.
  • Match the first five scenes of Act 5 of 'Macbeth' to their plot points
    • Act 5, Scene 1
      Lady Macbeth is consumed by guilt. ✓
    • Act 5, Scene 2
      Soldiers discuss the 'tyrant' Macbeth. ✓
    • Act 5, Scene 3
      Macbeth hears reports of a large army coming to defeat him. ✓
    • Act 5, Scene 4
      Malcolm's army use tree branches to camouflage themselves. ✓
    • Act 5, Scene 5
      Lady Macbeth is reported dead. ✓
  • If you ______, you speak in an ambiguous way that allows you to conceal the truth.
    • 'equivocate' ✓
  • In Act 4, Scene 1 of 'Macbeth', the witches tell Macbeth, "none of ______ born Shall harm Macbeth".
    • 'woman' ✓
  • In Act 1, Scene 7 of 'Macbeth', Macbeth decides not to commit regicide. Lady Macbeth goads him into it, saying, "Art thou ______ To be the same in thine own act and valour As thou art in desire?"
    • 'afeard' ✓