Starter quiz

  • What type of text is 'Macbeth'?
    • a novel
    • a non-fiction text
    • a dialogue
    • a play  ✓
    • a poem
  • What is 'Macbeth's' genre?
    • history
    • comedy
    • tragedy  ✓
  • Who murders King Duncan in 'Macbeth'?
    • Banquo
    • the witches
    • Malcolm
    • Macbeth  ✓
    • Lady Macbeth
  • In 'Macbeth', the witches tell Macbeth things about his future. What are these called?
    • plots
    • prophecies  ✓
    • potentials
    • predictions
    • preferences
  • What supernatural event occurs in Act 3 of 'Macbeth'?
    • Macbeth hallucinates a dagger.
    • Macbeth sees Banquo's ghost.  ✓
    • Macbeth hears another set of prophecies from the witches.
    • Lady Macbeth asks 'spirits' to 'unsex' her.
  • Starting with the first event, sort the plot points of 'Macbeth' into chronological order.
    • 1
      Three witches give prophecies to Macbeth and Banquo.
    • 2
      Lady Macbeth helps convince Macbeth to kill King Duncan.
    • 3
      Macbeth kills King Duncan and is then crowned King of Scotland.
    • 4
      Macbeth kills Banquo.
    • 5
      Macbeth demands further prophecies from the witches.
    • 6
      Macduff kills Macbeth.
    • 7
      Malcolm is crowned the new and rightful king of Scotland.