Starter quiz

  • In 'Animal Farm', what is the name of the farm at the beginning of the novella?
    • Manor Farm.  ✓
    • Jones' Farm.
    • Animal Farm.
    • Major Farm.
  • In chapter 1 of 'Animal Farm' what is the significance of Old Major being sat on "a raised platform"?
    • It shows that the other animals don't like sitting up high.
    • It shows that Old Major is too large to sit with the other animals.
    • It shows that Old Major considers himself equal.
    • It shows that the animals have already established a hierarchy.  ✓
  • In 'Animal Farm' which character represents the uneducated working classes?
    • 'Boxer' ✓
  • In 'Animal Farm' Pinchfield's farm is "smaller" and "better kept". What country does it represent?
    • 'Germany' ✓
  • Match the human character from 'Animal Farm' with their description.
    • Mr. Frederick
      "A tough, shrewd man, perpetually involved in lawsuits." ✓
    • Mr. Jones
      "But was too drunk to remember to shut the pop-holes." ✓
    • Mr. Pilkington
      "An easy-going gentleman farmer." ✓
    • Mr. Whymper
      "A sly-looking man with side whiskers." ✓
  • In 'Animal Farm', what is the maxim the pigs use to represent the whole of the Animalism ideology?
    • 'four legs good' ✓