Starter quiz

  • Match the animal's name from 'Animal Farm' to the correct description.
    • Napoleon
      A fierce and threatening boar. ✓
    • Snowball
      Intelligent pig who is also a brave fighter. ✓
    • Boxer
      Loyal horse known for his motto, "I must work harder". ✓
    • Clover
      A devoted female horse who supports Boxer and the cause. ✓
    • Squealer
      A clever and persuasive pig. ✓
    • Mollie
      A white mare who loves luxury and eventually leaves the farm ✓
  • In 'Animal Farm' what was the original goal of the animal's rebellion?
    • To gain more human allies.
    • To seize the farm and gain equality.  ✓
    • To negotiate better working conditions.
    • To create a monarchy with Mr. Jones as king.
  • In 'Animal Farm', what commandment do the pigs first doctor?
    • No animal shall drink alcohol.
    • All animals are equal.
    • No animal shall sleep in a bed.  ✓
    • No animal shall kill another animal.
  • Complete the maxim that is created for less intelligent animals in 'Animal Farm' to remember the principles of Animalism? "Four legs good, ..."
    • 'two legs bad' ✓
  • In 'Animal Farm' what reasons does Squealer give as to why the pigs need the milk and apples?
    • To preserve their health.  ✓
    • Scientific evidence.  ✓
    • It's good for the pigs brains.  ✓
    • The pigs find them delicious.
    • The pigs are selfish.
  • In 'Animal Farm', what verb is used to describe Snowball, when moving towards Mr. Jones, in 'the battle of the cowshed'?
    • Sprinted
    • Dashed  ✓
    • Tiptoed
    • Dragged