Starter quiz

  • In 'Animal Farm', what word beginning with 'D' could describe Napoleon as a leader?
    • 'Dictator' ✓
  • In 'Animal Farm', what word beginning with 'T' describes the pigs' complete control over the animals' lives and the harsh regime they enforce?
    • 'Totalitarianism' ✓
  • In 'Animal Farm' which character can read, but refuses to. It says that he can "read as well as any pig".
    • Boxer
    • Muriel
    • Benjamin  ✓
    • Moses
    • Mollie
  • In 'Animal Farm', what does Benjamin represent?
    • Revolutionary ideals
    • Wisdom and intelligence
    • Skepticism and cynicism  ✓
    • Loyalty and devotion
  • Starting with the first, put the key events from 'Animal Farm' into chronological order.
    • 1
      Mr. Jones is an irresponsible owner
    • 2
      Old Major makes a speech
    • 3
      After the rebellion the other farms are nervous so they attack Animal Farm
    • 4
      Snowball is expelled from the farm and blamed for the collapsing of the windmill
    • 5
      Napoleon executes a number of animals after forced confessions
    • 6
      Boxer collapses trying to complete the windmill
    • 7
      The animals change the commandment to "some animals are more equal than others"
  • Match the characters from 'Animal Farm' to the correct quotes.
    • Boxer
      "Napoleon is always right" ✓
    • Benjamin
      "it was usually to make some cynical remark" ✓
    • Snowball
      "The only good human being is a dead one." ✓
    • Clover
      "Whatever happened she would remain faithful" ✓
    • Squealer
      "skipping from side to side and whisking his tail" ✓
    • Moses
      "there it lies, Sugarcandy Mountain" ✓