Starter quiz

  • In 'Animal Farm', what event triggers the animals' rebellion against Mr. Jones?
    • The pigs' revolution.
    • The destruction of the windmill.
    • The battle of the cowshed.
    • The neglect and hunger of the animals.  ✓
  • Match the character from 'Animal Farm' to the quote that describes them.
    • Benjamin
      "was the oldest on the farm and the worst tempered" ✓
    • Moses
      "was a spy and tale-bearer" ✓
    • Squealer
      "nimble movements, and a shrill voice" ✓
    • Napoleon
      "with a reputation for getting his own way" ✓
    • Snowball
      "quicker in speech and more inventive" ✓
    • Boxer
      "he was not of first-rate intelligence" ✓
  • How does Orwell use the character Moses, the tame raven, to convey a message in 'Animal Farm'?
    • Moses symbolises the corrupt clergy and their role in supporting tyranny.  ✓
    • Moses represents the voice of reason and justice among the animals.
    • Moses is a revolutionary figure inspiring the animals to rebel.
    • Moses personifies the spirit of rebellion and resistance.
  • In 'Animal Farm', how does Orwell use the character Benjamin, the donkey, to comment on the revolution and the pigs' leadership?
    • Benjamin is a fervent supporter of the revolution.
    • Benjamin is a symbol of blind loyalty to the pigs.
    • Benjamin is a cynical and skeptical observer who sees through the pigs.  ✓
    • Benjamin is a dynamic character who undergoes a significant transformation.
  • How does Orwell use the character Mollie, the white mare, to highlight a particular aspect of society in 'Animal Farm'?
    • Mollie is a symbol of loyalty and hard work.
    • Mollie represents the intellectuals who spearhead the revolution.
    • Mollie is an advocate for equality among the animals.
    • Mollie symbolises the allure of material comfort and the bourgeoisie.  ✓
  • What does the character of Snowball represent in 'Animal Farm'?
    • Snowball symbolises the corrupt and power-hungry leader.
    • Snowball represents the idealistic and visionary revolutionary.  ✓
    • Snowball is a traitor who collaborates with humans against Animal Farm.
    • Snowball is a neutral character without significant impact on the plot.