Starter quiz

  • What was Belle's relationship with Ebenezer Scrooge in 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • Sister.
    • Former fiancee.  ✓
    • Business partner.
    • Landlord.
    • Niece.
  • In 'A Christmas Carol', why did Belle break off her engagement with Scrooge?
    • She found someone wealthier.
    • She found someone nicer.
    • She was forced to by her family.
    • Scrooge was too kind and generous for her.
    • She realised Scrooge was more interested in money.  ✓
  • What does Belle represent in Scrooge's past as seen in Stave 2 of 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • She is a symbol of greed.
    • She is a symbol of lost happiness.  ✓
    • She represents loyalty and fairness.
    • She represents the joy of Christmas.
    • She represents Scrooge's lonely childhood.
  • What does it mean to "corrupt" someone?
    • To improve and enhance them.
    • To make them behave dishonestly or immorally.  ✓
    • To make them clean or virtuous.
    • To provide them with guidance and support.
    • To make them feel uncertain and anxious.
  • Complete the quotation from A Christmas Carol: "The happiness he gives, is quite as great as if it cost a...”
    • 'fortune.' ✓
  • Match the quotations up to the characters who said them in 'A Christmas Carol'.
    • Belle
      "Another idol has displaced me... a golden one." ✓
    • The Ghost of Christmas Past
      “I told you these were shadows of the things that have been" ✓
    • Fezziwig
      “Yo ho, my boys! No more work tonight." ✓
    • Scrooge
      "Are there no prisons?" ✓
    • Marley's Ghost
      "Yours is a ponderous chain." ✓
    • Fred (Scrooge's nephew)
      "What reason have you to be morose? You’re rich enough.” ✓