Starter quiz

  • Select the pairs that demonstrate two opposites.
    • Charitable and miserly.  ✓
    • Benevolent and kind.
    • Ignorant and enlightened.  ✓
    • Empathetic and understanding.
    • Poor and impoverished.
  • Who is Fred in 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • Scrooge's business partner.
    • Scrooge's brother.
    • Scrooge's great nephew.
    • Scrooge's employee.
    • Scrooge's nephew.  ✓
  • Which of the following explanations best describes how Dickens portrays Scrooge's physical appearance in stave 1 of 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • Dickens likens Scrooge to a gargoyle, showing his ugly personality.
    • Dickens compares Scrooge to the colour red, to suggest he is dangerous.
    • Dickens compares Scrooge to a warm fire, to show his potential to change.
    • Dickens describes Scrooge as handsome, which contrasts with his cruel nature.
    • Dickens likens Scrooge to the cold, illustrating his cold-hearted nature.  ✓
  • Which values does Charles Dickens suggest are especially important at Christmas in 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • Empathy.  ✓
    • Wealth.
    • Luxury.
    • Generosity.  ✓
    • Charity.  ✓
  • When Fred invites Scrooge to his Christmas celebrations in stave 1 of 'A Christmas Carol', Scrooge replies "Bah... "
    • 'Humbug' ✓
  • Why does Scrooge from 'A Christmas Carol' hate Christmas? Choose the most appropriate responses.
    • Scrooge has nobody to spend Christmas with, so he hates it because he is alone.
    • Scrooge regards Christmas as a time for losing money and slacking off work.  ✓
    • Scrooge resents having to buy people he doesn't care for presents and gifts.
    • Scrooge resents the goodwill and joy that people demonstrate at Christmas.  ✓
    • Scrooge's business doesn't thrive at Christmas, so he hates the festive season.