Starter quiz

  • Who is Tiny Tim in 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • Scrooge's nephew
    • Bob's son  ✓
    • one of the children from under the Ghost of Christmas Present's robe
    • Scrooge's brother
    • Fred's son
  • What makes Tiny Tim's life more challenging, other than the fact that he lives in poverty, in 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • He doesn't get on with his siblings.
    • He is bullied for being so little.
    • He has a disability.  ✓
    • He is Bob's adopted son.
  • Who was the character of Tiny Tim in 'A Christmas Carol' supposedly inspired by?
    • Dickens's friend, Joe
    • Dickens' own son, George
    • Dickens' cousin, Michael
    • Dickens' nephew, Harry  ✓
  • What impression are we given of Tiny Tim in Stave 3 of 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • that he is an ungrateful and challenging child
    • that he is a patient and well-mannered child  ✓
    • that he is optimistic and pleasant  ✓
    • that he is sullen and isolated
    • that he is sorrowful and downcast
  • How does Scrooge feel when he learns that Tiny Tim might die in Stave 3 of 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • Scrooge is relieved that Tiny Tim might die.
    • Scrooge is horrified that Tiny Tim might die.  ✓
    • Scrooge is indifferent to the possibility of Tiny Tim's death
    • Scrooge is unconcerned that Tiny Tim might die.
  • What famous line of Tiny Tim's does 'A Christmas Carol' end with?
    • "as good as gold...and better"
    • "it might be pleasant to them to remember....who made lame beggars walk"
    • "Hurrah!"
    • "God bless Us, Every One"  ✓