Starter quiz

  • Match the words to their definitions.
    • celestial
      when something is considered heavenly and other worldly ✓
    • indulgent
      to be over excessive in an action or a behaviour ✓
    • connotation
      words, ideas, feelings or concepts we associate with a word ✓
    • mystic
      something that has elements of mystery and magic ✓
    • religious imagery
      using ideas or symbols drawn from religious ideas ✓
  • Which of the below quotes use a first person perspective.
    • "I watched you systematically destroy yourself"  ✓
    • "he was a man of simple pleasures"
    • "I first began to use opium as my daily diet"  ✓
    • "They knew the pleasure would not last long"
  • What technique is being used in this quote: "Minister of celestial pleasure"?
    • Rhetorical question
    • Simile
    • Religious imagery  ✓
    • Alliteration
  • Which words are connotations of the word "immortal"?
    • superficial
    • not-human  ✓
    • god-like  ✓
    • flowery
    • supernatural  ✓
  • Select the phrases to complete this sentence: Discourse markers can be used to....
    • structure your writing.  ✓
    • add description to your writing.
    • signpost the beginning, middle and end of your response.  ✓
    • track images in a text.  ✓
  • Look at this sentence: "Your clothes are peppered with blood stains." What type of word is "peppered"?
    • verb  ✓
    • adjective
    • noun
    • adverb
    • conjunction