Starter quiz

  • Which of the following are examples of non-fiction texts?
    • history book  ✓
    • newspaper article  ✓
    • novel
    • collection of short stories
    • restaurant review  ✓
  • Match the word with the definition.
    • form
      the text type ✓
    • purpose
      the reason why the writer wrote the text  ✓
    • audience
      the person or group of people being addressed by the text ✓
  • Which of the following is an example of a text's purpose?
    • to argue  ✓
    • to shock  ✓
    • to organise sentences
    • to be accurate
  • What word class are the following words: we, our, us? They may be referred to as inclusive or collective...
    • 'pronouns' ✓
  • What do we mean when we say the context of a text?
    • The style in which it was written.
    • The circumstances in which it was written.  ✓
    • The effect a text has on a a reader.
  • Which of the following is not a valid description of the use of prediction skills before reading complex texts?
    • Predicting is the beginning of engagement with the text.
    • Predicting allows us to guess at the topic of the text.  ✓
    • Predicting links our new reading to previous reading we may have done.
    • Predicting links our new reading to other knowledge we have.