Starter quiz

  • 'Bayonet Charge' is about a soldier during which war?
    • World War 1  ✓
    • World War 2
    • The Crimean War
  • What does the word 'dehumanise' mean?
    • exemplify the qualities that make someone human
    • deprive someone of the qualities that make them human  ✓
    • supply someone with the qualities that make them human
  • What is the best use of harrowing in a sentence?
    • the poem depicts harrowing the nature of war
    • the poem depicts the nature of harrowing war
    • the poem depicts the harrowing nature of war  ✓
  • Starting with the first, put the events of Hughes' 'Bayonet Charge' in chronological order.
    • 1
      The soldier runs across a field towards a hedge.
    • 2
      The soldier contemplates what he is doing and his role in the war.
    • 3
      The solider runs across a field and sees a hare.
  • In 'Bayonet Charge' Hughes not only shows the devastating effect of war on humans but also on...
    • 'nature' ✓
  • What was Hughes' connection to WWI?
    • He fought in the war
    • His father fought in the war  ✓
    • He read about the war in the newspaper and was inspired to write about it