Starter quiz

  • In 'Winter Swans', the couple are ...
    • grieving after the death of a loved one.
    • happy because they have just found out they're expecting a baby.
    • on a first date.
    • experiencing trouble in their relationship.  ✓
    • spending time together before their wedding the next day.
  • In the middle of 'Winter Swans', Sheers uses a __________ to indicate a shift in the emotional tone (mood).
    • ellipsis
    • anecdote
    • volta  ✓
    • allegory
    • rhetorical question
  • Which of these is an example of personification?
    • The trees towered over the tiny fox.
    • The trees stretched their bony branches towards the sun.  ✓
    • Crunchy orange leaves fluttered down from the trees like confetti.
  • Complete the missing word in this quote from 'Winter Swans': "we skirted the lake, silent and apart, until the ______ came and stopped us"
    • 'swans' ✓
  • How many stanzas does 'Winter Swans' have?
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7  ✓
    • 8
  • Which language technique occurs in the final stanza of the poem 'Winter Swans'? ("and folded one over the other, like a pair of wings settling after flight")
    • a simile  ✓
    • a metaphor
    • personification
    • alliteration
    • a rhetorical question