Starter quiz

  • What century does the year 1792 belong to?
    • 16th century
    • 17th century
    • 18th century  ✓
  • What is meant by the term 'authority'?
    • the lack of power or right to give orders
    • the power or right to give orders  ✓
    • challenging those have the power or right to give orders
  • Which groups of people do you think would have authority from the list below?
    • factory workers
    • the church  ✓
    • government  ✓
    • soliders
    • monarchy  ✓
  • What is the definition of 'corrupt'?
    • the power or right to give orders
    • immoral or dishonest  ✓
    • a situation in which people are ruled or governed in a fair way
  • Which of the below is an example of corruption?
    • those in power giving unfair advantage to certain employees  ✓
    • stealing food from a shop
    • wealthy people not giving to charity
  • What was the French Revolution?
    • when the French monarchy resigned voluntarily
    • when the French monarchy had absolute power
    • when the people of France overthrew the monarchy  ✓