Starter quiz

  • Barrett Browning wrote 'Sonnet 29' during the Victorian era. This society was known for being...
    • patriarchal  ✓
    • patronising
    • patented
    • Petrarchan
    • petulant
  • What does the word symbolism mean?
    • giving human characteristics to inanimate objects
    • comparing two things using 'like' or 'as'
    • putting two contrasting ideas next to or near to each to emphasise one or both
    • using concrete objects or actions to represent abstract ideas  ✓
    • when two more consecutive lines of poetry begin with the same word(s)
  • Sonnets are poems usually written about...
    • death
    • childhood
    • family
    • society
    • love  ✓
  • Which of these is an example of an imperative sentence?
    • Can you please be quiet?
    • It would be amazing if you could be a little quieter.
    • Stop talking!  ✓
    • If you wouldn't mind, I'd like silence now.
    • When will you ever stop talking?
  • Which of these is an example of tentative language?
    • perhaps  ✓
    • certainly
    • obviously
    • must
    • does
  • The word 'thee' means...
    • I
    • we
    • you  ✓
    • yours
    • they