Starter quiz

  • If something is nourishing then it is...
    • good for your wellbeing and health  ✓
    • bad for your wellbeing and health
    • something delicious
  • Describing something as 'rusted' suggests...
    • it is in perfect condition
    • it is deteriorating  ✓
    • it is something of no value
  • A figure of speech that involves comparing two things using the verb "to be" is a...
    • 'metaphor' ✓
  • Referring to what a poet wanted and planned to do is referring to their...
    • 'intention' ✓
  • If something is hidden away then which two things might that imply?
    • It is precious.  ✓
    • It isn't valued.
    • It's something to be ashamed of.  ✓
    • It's something to be proud of.
  • Generally, we think of birds as symbolising...
    • freedom  ✓
    • ambition
    • romance