Starter quiz

  • What does a surgeon do?
    • operate on patients  ✓
    • fly planes
    • strategise military intelligence
  • The word 'slap' creates a __________ impression.
    • negative, violent  ✓
    • warm, positive
    • neutral, predictable
  • The history, traditions, practices, etc. of a particular country, society is the...
    • 'heritage' ✓
  • If you have crafted something with your hands then you likely feel...
    • connected to it  ✓
    • indifferent to it
    • wary of it
  • If your only piece of jewellery is 'worn thin' and 'plain' we might assume...
    • you can't afford more  ✓
    • you could afford more
    • you don't care about jewellery
  • Sitting 'straight-backed' implies...
    • you are paying attention  ✓
    • you are indifferent
    • you aren't focusing