Starter quiz

  • A narrative is an example of which kind of writing?
    • fiction  ✓
    • biography
    • autobiography
    • non-fiction
  • The difference between a narrative and a description is...
    • a narrative can be written in first person whereas a description cannot
    • a narrative is longer than a description
    • a narrative has a plot whereas a description does not  ✓
    • a narrative contains characters whereas a description does not
  • Atmosphere is the tone or ______ of a setting.
    • 'mood' ✓
  • Choose the most appropriate response. Figurative language is...
    • language that distorts reality
    • language that is numerical in nature
    • language that is meaningful, but not literally true  ✓
    • language that is literal
  • What is a semantic field?
    • a group of words that all sound phonetically similar
    • a group of images that all share similar themes
    • a group of words that all share the same connotations  ✓
    • a group of words that all begin with the same letter
  • Which of the following are examples of figurative language?
    • The sun, enslaved to the moon, receded.  ✓
    • Scars meandered down his face in rivers.  ✓
    • He bellowed at me, right in my face.
    • The thunder roared above.  ✓
    • She was as timid as a person could be.