Starter quiz

  • If something is clear and intelligible then it has ...
    • clarity.  ✓
    • complexity.
    • value.
    • vividness.
  • What can an ellipsis at the end of a sentence suggest?
    • a pause or something unsaid  ✓
    • a question
    • extra information
    • the introduction of a character
  • An exclamation mark does which of the following?
    • poses a question
    • shows intense emotion  ✓
    • shows belonging
    • separates a main clause
  • Complete this definition of science fiction 'Fiction based on imagined scientific or ______ advances or major social or changes.
    • technological, environmental  ✓
    • robotic, social
    • progressive, human
    • digital, political
  • Which of the below is the best definition of 'villainous'?
    • wicked or immoral behaviour  ✓
    • apathetic behaviour
    • careless or clumsy behaviour
    • clever and sneaky behaviour
  • Which of the below is the best definition of 'nuance'?
    • a subtle difference in meaning  ✓
    • a significant difference in meaning
    • no difference in meaning
    • a change in meaning from one thing to another